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December 20, 2021 Residential Blog
Save Money with Advanced Power Strips

Today’s modern technology has embedded itself into every aspect of our daily lives. From Wi-Fi enabled TVs and virtual reality gaming systems, to Bluetooth speakers and robot vacuums, our electronics have become increasingly complex with newer versions hitting the market every day. With numerous cords and limited outlets in your home, you’ve probably enlisted the support of a power strip to help power all your devices. While technology around us advances, power strips, up until recently, have remained relatively unchanged. Thankfully, now there are advanced power strips to replace older models that help you save on energy costs.

April 25, 2018 Residential Blog
Shop smart. Choose a Wi-Fi thermostat and save with our instant discounts.

We’ve all dreamed of the future where the coffee machine turns on as soon as you shut off your alarm, groceries are automatically ordered as your fridge becomes empty, and your favorite song plays when you walk through the door after coming home from work.

September 28, 2017 Residential Blog
Four Ways an Advanced Power Strip Saves Money

Over time, our electronics have become increasingly complex through technological innovation. Until recently, however, the power strips we plug these electronics into have remained relatively unchanged. It is only within the past decade that power strips finally started catching up to their complementary electronics, thanks to the introduction of Advanced Power Strips (APS).